Reflections on the development of problem-based history teaching in the context of cyberspace

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Political Science Studies, Islamic Revolution, Shahed University, Tehran

2 Education history students

3 Social science education student


Examining the use of cyberspace in problem-based history teaching requires, above all, understanding the relationship between history teaching and problem-solving methods. In this type of education, which has been created as a teaching method, the possibility of creating trial, error and hypothesis has been created, cyberspace has a special place with its capacities and functions. This study is mainly aimed at investigating the effectiveness of problem-based teaching in teaching historical concepts in the context of cyberspace. In response to the article's question about the capacities and limitations of the problem-oriented method, the hypothesis that cyberspace is a suitable platform for this type of teaching is proved due to the existing eight variables and is a suitable platform for this type of teaching. This study is performed by a Descriptive method of qualitative and analytical type and using the note-taking tool to collect data. The findings suggest that cyberspace has a vast potential and a variety of tools for teaching history through its variables including speed, beyond-time beyond-place peculiarities, universality, fluidity, augmented reality, multimedia, pervasiveness, and permanent accessibility. Also, it is possible to have a developmental and facilitating effect on history teaching by making proper use of the context and capacities of cyberspace
