Content analysis of elementary school social studies textbooks based on environmental considerations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Frahangian University of Arak

2 Undergraduate student, Arak Farhangian University


The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of elementary school social studies textbooks from the perspective of environmental components. For this purpose, descriptive-qualitative content analysis method has been used and three social studies textbooks for the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of elementary school in the 2020-2019 academic year have been reviewed. In this study, sampling was omitted and all sentences, pictures, activities and questions of the book were reviewed. The tools used in this research include a researcher-made checklist for content analysis based on selected components. This review includes 6 main components; Water, soil, air, forest, sound and waste and 15 sub-components. The results show that among the 6 components studied, the forest and water components have the highest level of attention and the lowest level of attention among the components is related to the noise and waste components. In the three sections studied, the highest frequencies are related to the text section and the lowest frequencies are related to the images section. The three educational levels studied in dealing with environmental components were not different from each other and did not pay attention to environmental components as they should. One of the most neglected components in social studies textbooks is the sound component, which has not been addressed at all in all grades.
