The role of storytelling on learning and interest in the content of social identity lesson (A study based on action research method)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Sociology, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran. High school teacher.

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and University of Warsaw.


Storytelling removes barriers to creativity and provides problem-solving power for students. The main purpose of the study was to improve students' social identity by using one of the active learning methods, namely storytelling, and learning. Therefore, the research seeks to answer the question of whether is it possible to improve students' learning and interest in the content of the social identity course by using storytelling? The method of this research is action research (research in practice). The research sample consisted of 26 experimental students and 28 mathematics-physics students of Ali ibn AbiTaleb (AS) school in Ferdis (twelfth grade) and 70 twelfth grade teachers of Alborz province (human group), who were randomly selected. In this study, two categories of evidence were used to collect information. The first category of evidence included the traditional test (test-descriptive) of students and a survey of teachers. And the second category of evidence included storytelling (including tools that enhance active learning). The results of the first evidence indicated the poor performance of students (with an average score of 12) as well as their low interest in the subject. But the results of the second evidence showed that the use of the storytelling method leads to improved learning (with an average score of 16) and increased students' interest in the relevant lesson.
