Teaching geography based on global indicators of sustainability in geography textbooks (case example: Academic fields in Iranian schools)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Farhangian University

2 Expert responsible for the research of the campus Hakim Ferdowsi

3 Educational Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University, Hakim Ferdowsi Campus, Karaj

4 Teacher / EducationEducational Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University, Hakim Ferdowsi Campus, Karaj

5 Educational Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Farhangian University,amir kabir Campus, Karaj


Geography education in the schools of the world has a special place for the planning system as well as the curriculum planners, therefore, according to the global plans, the geography education programs in Iranian schools are considered by the planners and accordingly, the geography books in the grades and courses. Various educational programs have been compiled for students, which have been explained by examining the importance of world sustainability based on various indicators in these textbooks, the quality and quantity of this matter in Iranian schools and in the format of the above article. In this article, it has tried to examine each and every geography course of all grades in Iran's schools, this specific position and their strengths and weaknesses should be checked for the first time, based on which 12 grades and also three academic courses have been reviewed in the form of 11 separate geography education books, in which the findings have been indicated that the overall quantitative and qualitative weakness of geography textbooks and topics in this field, and studies have shown that Iran's geography textbooks are far from international standards in the field of geography education based on sustainability indicators, which should be revised by curriculum planners.
