Knowledge of historical geography is a practical factor in teaching local history

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Farhangian University



In our country, although the teaching of local history in schools does not yet exist in formal education, it has received attention in the subject of history courses and history education in undergraduate and graduate courses. In these sources, whose geographical aspect is more prominent than its historical aspect, the spatial understanding of the course of historical events is well deepened. In addition, social history and historical sociology are other knowledges related to local history that should be relied upon in the research and teaching of local history. The plan of local history in the form of a lesson can be an educational opportunity to introduce the lesson of history and involve students in the learning process, and it can help to understand history. The application of historical geography knowledge in teaching local history is the main question of the article, which is to be answered. The research has been done with the method of trend study and interpretation of geography sources. The findings of the research show that paying attention to historical geography, which strengthens the students' spatial understanding, and the use of special historical geography research methods and tools are effective in this local history education.
