A Look at the Importance of Lifestyle in Social Studies Education

Document Type : Original Article


kashan farhangian university


By raising the level of knowledge and the development of new means of communication and new technologies, witness the formation of objective changes in today's young lifestyle that is neither escape nor can it be left to itself. Institution of education, using your own training and deterrent levers can guide and monitor these changes in accordance with the traditional religious and indigenous conditions of society. This article uses the library and documentary method we are looking for analysis the importance of lifestyle and social studies in sociological and psychological theories. The results and theoretical studies show in this regard that the content of social studies books in any society can have a profound impact on the youth lifestyle and national identity of the community especially when that content of the books Based on local and national culture and values in that case can expect the health of the young and the community which will ultimately lead to social and scientific development.
