The place of Art Education in Farhangian University Curriculum (Case study: The use of artistic literacy in drawing topographic maps)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor, Department of Humanities and Social Science, Farhangian University



Farhangian University, based on the upstream documents and especially the six aspects of the fundamental Evolution document and itsconstitution,since 2014 changed the title of theacademic fields from "Dabiri"to"Education" in order to put an emphasis onthe acquisition of Pedagogical Content knowledge along other general capabilities and thematic. Therefore, the acquisition of "artistic literacy" to create an aesthetic sense, cultivate artistic creations and philosophical thinking and the correct attitude in the minds and behavior of learners, was emphasized in university curriculum as one of the six fields of education with the addition of a new lesson entitled "The application of art in "Education".

One of these curriculums is " Geography Teaching ". Based on the goals of this program, student get to know geographical knowledge, thinking and skills so that their attitude towards their geographical and environmental location should beimproved. The findings of the research, obtained by descriptive-analytical method, show the strengthening of "literacy" byusing various elements and components such as texture, background, color, image making replicas, models, anddrawing geographical maps in drawing and teaching topographical maps, while acquiring geographical literacy,canleadto strengthening of cognitive, attitudinaland skill bases of learners and make FarhangianUniversitymore successful in achieving the goals listed in the educational programs.
